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Hello there,
I have studied the Tiger Crane combination KungFu and have now, after some years finally completed all 10 forms ...
I told myself I would get a tatoo of a tiger and a crane once I have completed my basic training. I was thinking of putting each animal on one of my legs but my master said it would wise to consult a feng shui expert as to where and how to have the tatoo placed on my body.
I hope you can help me or perhaps point me in the right direction.
Tina Muller
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In Feng Shui, we call the Dragon and Tiger as the "Green Dragon" and "White Tiger". Here for the external Feng Shui, the dragon is on the east or left side, while the tiger is at the west or right side (if we stand inside the door looking outwards).

Nowadays in Singapore, few will get a tatoo where the dragon and tiger embrace. If so, often, the tatoos are on the arms and not the legs. This is because to be "harmonious" the dragon and tiger should be in an embrace. Unless if the tatoo is on the legs, it is felt that where we stand, the dragon should also be in embrance with the tiger.

In the early 1970's David Carradine played a disciple of Shaolin Martial Arts. And when he graduated, he placed his two arms around a large Chinese urn and carried it. Here, the dragon and tiger image was burned into his arms (not tatooed). If you managed to get the show, can check to confirm which armed was "burned" with which symbol.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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