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Dear Lee,
1. Thank you for your effort in scanning and providing the relevant details.
2. It is thru, the proper details provided e.g. scanned image that makes it easy for me to provide the relevant advise.
3. As for the significance of either `protusions' or `missing corners' please refer to this URL:-
4. The ruleset here is that a `protusion' or `missing corner' is one where a sector has either a protrusion or missing corner equal to or exceeding 33.3 percent of the area of that particular sector.
5. Thus a sector is defined as: based on the layout plan, equally divide the floor plan into 9 equal sectors.
6. If any ONE of the sector has either 33.3 percent protusion or missing corner - this is considered a major protusion or missing corner. Thus will fall under the signficiance as mentioned under the above URL. Otherwise, consider it as a MINOR protrusion or missing corner and no major signficance.
Warmest Regards,
On 4/4/2002 4:27:00 AM, S Lee wrote:
>Dear Cecil,
>Thank you so much for your
>assistance with finding my
>flat center. This is
>definitely great FS-service!
>One question please: on the
>layout plan, you marked
>several window-sills as
>'protrusions'. Are they bad
>fengshui or sharchi points?
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