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Topic: Re: Second Case Study: House with bad Feng Shui, 1 Attachments
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 11932
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 9/18/2002 08:01 AM

This is the close-up picture of the situation.

1. Yellow arrow shows leak from second house with bad Feng Shui to the strategically positioned main gate of the `House that receives wealth from the second house.'

2. To reduce the leak, one should place a round water feature with water spouting towards its own house i.e. second house with bad Feng Shui.

3. For the multiple poison arrows (mentioned in the earlier forum message), one can either on a more friendly Feng Shui cure use wooden plank side wall fencing.

For an offensive approach, use instead arrow heads, rounded and aimed back towards the offending house. - " Serve them right for messing the second house Feng Shui". Sometimes, one really has no choice given such offensive `tactics' of unfriendly neighours. The saying goes " Either YOU or I".

In this case study, you can also find that the "House that receive free wealth" is much lower or at a yin location as compared to the higher ground - second house with bad Feng Shui. Wealth is thus considered `drained' from this second house. And wealth retained by the lower `yin' house.

Warmest Regards,

Click to open!secondhouse-badfs-reduceleak.jpg
Reduce the leak! FAST! (285,143 bytes)

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