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Topic: Location for Home Fountain or Fish Tank
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 12246
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 11/19/2002 07:46 AM

Dear Anon,

Here are some considerations:-

1. Best to avoid having a fish tank or a fountain especially if the breadwinner is a weak fire or strong water element person.

2. Where possible, avoid placement of a fish tank exactly at the centrepoint of the house.

However, for a house born, built or major renovation done between 1984 to 2003 or known as Period 7, certain locations e.g. living room (not exact centrepoint) is an auspicious sector. Depending on the layout, therefore, this can be an exception for certain Period 7 house(s).

3. If one looks out of the window and finds a street lamp post slicing thru a window, a fish tank with gold fish can be used to neutralise it.

4. In general, wter position(s) can be activiated at "water positions" especially if it is of low height. Locations for such a fountain can be the frontage of the house or living room.

5. Under Flying Star Feng Shui, certain locations that has #7 small metal or #6 big metal can be activated with water. However, the condition is that this location should be a `water position' such as the living room or balcony location. It would not be good to activate a water position at locations like the backdoor area or back of the house.

So far, I can roughly think of some of the major yes and no for a fish tank. In fact, there are the most important considerations.

Warmest Regards,

On 11/18/2002 9:38:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
>Hi Cecil,
>Which location is the best
>place for putting a home
>fountain / fish tank in a
>house? (like which sector to
>consider, direction of the
>fountain water flowing out?)
>and what Feng Shui Theories to
>Best Regards,

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