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Topic: are 6-coins needed in these areas?
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 12619
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 1/20/2003 07:52 PM

Dear Hoa Luong.

Please see below:-

On 1/20/2003 3:30:00 PM, Hoa Luong wrote:
>Dear Cecil,
>I just reran the yearly flying
>star report for my house
>(period 7) and would
>appreciate your helping me
>clarify the following:
>The West Sector (my office):
>the 20year star (9) vs. yearly
>star (8): this relationship is
>auspicious. The mountain star
>(1) vs. the water star (4):
>inauspicious combination and
>the solution is using metal to
>destroy wood. Is 6 coins
>needed in this sector?

With a #4 at this location without any metal at this sector would not be good. Adding 6 coins is preferred. It can further enhance #1.

>The Southwest Sector (my
>bedroom):the 20 year star (4)
>vs. the yearly star (3):
>inauspicious combination and
>the solution is to use metal
>to destroy wood. The mountain
>star (6) vs. the water star
>(8): auspicious combination.
>Do I need to hang 6 coins

With a combination of #4 and #3; even with a #6 mountain may not be enough if further #4, #3 or even #2 and #5 flies into this sector e.g. in a specific month, day, hour, minute.

The current #6 cannot possibly control anymore as it will be at it's breaking point in trying to contain #4 and #3. Thus it can easily be exhausted.

Yes, hanging 6 coins can further help strengthen the metal at this sector.

>The South Sector (my front
>entrance): the 20 yearrr star
>(2) vs. the yearly star (1):
>inauspicious combination and
>the solution is to use metal
>to destroy earth . The
>mountain star (8) vs. the
>water star (6): auspicious
>combination. Do I still need
>to hang 6 coins here?

It is advantages to hang a 6 coin since, there is currently a strong earth #2 and the current water #6 has already being used to exhaust #2. A set of 6 coins can be used here to further safeguard this sector and also help #1 especially at the main entrance.

>The Northeast sector (my
>sister's bedroom): the 20year
>star(1) vs. the yearly star
>(9): auspicious combination.
>The mountain star (9) vs. the
>water star (5): inauspicous
>and to metal to destroy earth.
>Does this sector needs 6

It would depend on the colour scheme of the bedroom.

If this bedroom does not have any of these elements than it is fine not to place six coins:-

Avoid Earth (yellow, beige, cream)
Avoid Fire (pink, purple or red)

If there is Wood element (green or dark brown) at this sector, combined with Earth and Fire, than, 6 coins should be use.

The colour scheme here implies colour of the wall, wardrope and even bed sheet. (minus the flooring).

Warmest Regards,

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