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Dear Mr Low,
One has to take extra care when using water positions in the home:
1. If the breadwinner's ba zi is weak fire or strong water element, water in a home can cause more problems.
2. Specifically, one must understand the two major purpose of the use of water:
2.1 In a real life water fall, it is because of the friction of water with air that brings beneficial results.
2.2 A water feature is useful to provide clear space for the frontage of a building. This is because, nothing else can be built above the water feature or pond i.e. providing clear space.
3. Normally, when placing a water feature outside of the house, check to see if the property is sloping or not. And shapes and forms has to be reviewed.
4. Your situation is akin to trying to work out solutions to beautify the deck of a leaking ship. What is not `seen' is the leaks that may cause such a problem.
5. Given that you and your neighour's home face the same frontage, most likely, the clue can be gotten from Flying Star Feng Shui.
6. I strongly believe that your home has major imbalances with the #3 and #4 (both belong to the disputes /quarrels / legal entanglement stars. And these elements belong to `bad wood' elements.
Under the Five element concepts, adding water (either real water or virtual water e.g. blue black or grey) may seriously inflame these stars. Thus, becareful where you place water.
Since under the productive sequence of the Five elements:
Water supports or fuel Wood (bad wood).
At locations that have #3 or #4 or multiples of it, one must therefore, be reminded not to fuel further bad wood by adding water. Neutralising agents include the metal element e.g. white or fire element (provided there is no bad wood of #2 or #5 at these sectors.)
Warmest Regards,
On 4/7/2003 9:00:22 PM, Low Low wrote:
>Dear Cecil,
>Thank you for answering my
>previous question. I have
>another question that hope to
>hear your advice. How can we
>minimize the negative effects
>delivered by hostile neighbor
>using feng shui? My neighbor
>places lots of sharp
>equipments on the shared fence
>where the sharp points are
>directly pointed at us. Does
>this have bad chi flow to us?
>I understand that putting yang
>water near the wall share with
>the neighbor will help. How
>many yang water I should put
>and where can I put them i.e.
>in living hall? master
>bedroom? car porch? The next
>door neighbor is one who
>purposely like to invade and
>take advantage on our
>property. I have been
>tolerating and just wish to
>put a stop on this stressful
>situation. I also have had
>advice from my lawyer that I
>have 100% winning chances. If
>I get involved with legal
>preceding, would this render
>my house and family bad feng
>shui for the future? As I
>understand it is better we
>don't get involve with legal
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