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Topic: Is there a cure for sick houses?
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 13622
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 6/19/2003 07:54 AM

Dear Danni,

Do you have a layout plan of the past and present renovations done to the home for me to take a closer assessment - of how much extent the new renovation can affect you.

Or simply a picture of the present and if possible any old picture of the past.

Warmest Regards,

On 6/19/2003 7:49:38 AM, Cecil Lee wrote:
>Dear Danni,
>Truly sorry for the delay in
>reply, as I had just ran
>across your posting. Kinda of
>very busy for the last few
>Usually, if too much
>alternation especially
>extending the ground floor,
>this will often spell calamity
>or death for the first owner
>This was how, my grandfather
>came into this same
>A similar neighbour, who also
>extended the ground floor also
>came to the same fate:(
>The 'good news' is that death
>often does not occur to the
>next owner. But however, the
>next owner often will not be
>able to `keep' the home due
>mostly to financial distress.
>Warmest Regards,
>On 6/15/2003 11:18:58 PM, Danni T wrote:
>>My husband wants us to buy a
>>house that I am convinced is
>>sick, the previous owners made
>>many structural changes to the
>>inside and extended the ground
>>floor. Soon after they did
>>this the husband died of a
>>brain tumour, the wife has
>>since developed breast cancer
>>and the daughter, M.E. ! The
>>house is built on a slope with
>>the garden to the rear sloping
>>downwards, the extension they
>>built caused subsidence which
>>has been underpinned at huge
>>cost. My husband who has seen
>>the good results of Feng Shui
>>in the past, now thinks I am
>>crazy for thinking this about
>>this new house. It is a
>>beautiful house but the well
>>being of my family comes
>>first. Please help and advise
>>me as he wants to move on this
>>house this week, should we
>>avoid it like the plague, is
>>there a cure or could it just
>>be a bad house for that
>>particular family?

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