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Dear Harriet,
Initially, you can use the Eight House Template to "map out" your rooms to check which sectors are auspicious or inauspicious.
You can either use the web based html format at or Sign up for a free account at to create your Eight House Template.
You can then check whether there is any inauspicious influences on the sector of the room.
The Eight House can only check for the above and this is where it ends. This is because the Eight House Theory of auspicious or inauspicious influences does not take into consideration the Five Elements concept.
Serious investigative work would include using the Flying Star Charts to check on whether the location has inauspicious Stars especially No. 2 and 5 (sickness and misfortune). This is based on the Five elements concept and used to analyse and fine tune the home if it does occur at locations like the bedroom, main door etc...
For now, it is good for you to do a Eight House Chart to look at the `surface'.
Warmest Regards,
On 8/27/99 6:46:31 PM, Harriet Voelcker wrote:
>My direction according to the
>8 Houses method is NW. I moved
>into my house about 8 months
>ago which is L-shaped and
>faces West with the main
>entrance in the South-West
>corner. The main bedroom is at
>the front of the house with
>windows all along the West
>wall, a fireplace and built in
>cupboards along the North wall
>and the door in the South-East
>corner of the East wall.
>Originally the bed had its
>head on the East wall but
>recently I moved it to have
>its head against the South
>wall to make more room. Things
>haven't been right ever since.
>Where should I put my bed?
>Thank you for your time.
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