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Topic: Can this house be fixed?
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 2469
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 10/16/1999 01:04 AM

Greetings Cecil and Robert,
Many thanks for the excellent site! I have a couple of questions.
I've already posted some of this in the Pillars of Destiny conference, but will also post it here..this one gets more traffic. 1. Did the full Pillars of Destiny report this week, and in the pillars there are references in parentheses to "wife" , "father", "child" ,"mother" and "self". Is this figurative language or is it intended as a direct reference to actual persons in life?
2. We had the Flying Star done on our current residence. We used period 6 as our guiding period, but have since learned that the previous occupants had the ceilings of the ENTIRE house re painted two years ago. We've done a lot of work on this house (1998-1999), but don't know if any of them qualify as "major renovations". We've had the roof reshingled (no tear off), we've replaced the heating and cooling system, all the kitchen appliances, the carpet,counter and floor tile,exterior doors, and have built an enormous deck off the front (kitchen) door area. Also, had part of the ceiling cut out and replaced in one room due to water damage from the previous roof. Would these renovations have been extensive enough to make our current Flying Star incorrect? We are wondering if being a period 7 house would improve the character of the house?
This house seems to have a number of problems according to Feng Shui principles.... The bread winner is a weak water .This is a red S (180 degrees) facing house (breadwinners death line) but we have been using the back door on the NE (30 degrees)...which enters into the kitchen and faces the dining room area as well. ( I know, taboo..) It is a U shaped house, with the "hole " being on the S side forming a patio area surrounded on three sides by the house. Also, the SE(130 degrees) leg of the U is about five feet longer than the other. It has a well in the NE, and a huge stone garage about six feet from the NE corner of the house, with the garage corner aimed right at the house back door. (the kitchen door.) This corner has very real world problems too, as it is low enough that we are always running into it..it's right at forehead height. The house sits over underground water, though our geological survey says it is almost 400 feet down. The land is sloping , considerably lower on the east.The master bdrm is in the breadwinners excellent location..but so is the master bath. ( Since studying your site, we've stopped using this toilet.) Other than this, all his good locations are closets. The final concern we have with the house is a huge stone fireplace in the center of the house. It is literally the center of the house on the floor plan.It is a free standing structure with walking space all round it. It is really immense, probably eight to ten feet across and four feet wide, all stone. It is directly in front of the South door, as sort of an entry wall. As my husband is a weak water, is this creating some sort of terrible electromagnetic field for him? In an earth dominant period would this be completely disastrous? The flying star report indicates this to be a house of fading prosperity, quarrels, sickness, injuries, disputes, poor luck in romance,scandal and possible affairs...it is family land, so we know the history of the previous occupants...and the flying star's comments could have been a line by line commentary on the family history. (By now are you wondering why we are still here?)At this point, we wonder if there is any hope of it being a period 7 house with the updates? Would being a period 7 house matter? We've earnestly considered how we could move the front door to another location..it cannot be done without creating even more FS taboos( we could put a door in the breadwinners excellent sector by pulling out a window..but then it would be right next door to the NW toilet. Bad?) Moving is definitely becoming an option here, as we do not care to repeat our ancestors sad history..Incidentally, since moving here, our finances HAVE declined. (Beyond what would be expected after all the repair bills!) It is distressing to learn these unfortunate things about our house, but it puts many of the sorrowful things that have happened here over the years into perspective. We are optimistic that we do not have to repeat the mistakes of our family..even if ultimately, we do have to move. We are using the five elements modules advice to put in the remedies suggested by the Pillars report, but wonder if this is not really a remediable house? Thanks so much for the wealth of information on your site, and for your answers to these questions. (when you get around to it.) JenneyM

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