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Hello Cecil,
I hope you can give me advice on this problem: About a year ago we bought a home by the fjord. The land slopes unevenly down from the dirt road toward the sea, creating on its way 5 'plateaus' on which the land levels out, only to gently (and sometimes not so gently) slope down again to the next plateau. Our parking space is on the first plateau - levelling with the dirt road, our main house is situated on the 'third', - middle - plateau from the dirt road, and the beach is the fifth plateau. Our main door faces West - leading us up toward the dirt road. However, once inside the cabin, our 'panorama view' faces East - toward the sea and the distant lands. In trying to analyze the layout of our main cabin, I keep getting stuck on the fact that although I would like to consider East as our 'front', our main door actually is to the west - and there is no denying that. According to the Form School Feng Shui - I should be in serious trouble. Which I don't feel... I have considered actually closing off that door and using our back door (to the East) as our main door - but concluded that that won't work. It is truly frustrating to get stuck on something as primary as for example categorizing the cabin as an East-Group or West-group house. I would greatly appreciate any advice that could guide me in making the right choices on these categorizations.
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