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Dear Anon,
Under the grand duke theory, one should not:-
1. Touch `him' or
2. Distrub `him'.
In my personal opinion, it is best not to `touch' him because when you mentioned hanging the lights, it would mean touching some part of the wall. I personally feel very uncomfortable over this.
Another point is that you should not distrub the earth outside this wall ie. place a supporting structure to `hoist' the lights. (If you really need to do so, try to use metal e.g. a metal space between the digging and the side of the wall.
Unless you can hang the lights without doing any of the
above without `touching' the Grand Duke it is fine. The Grand Duke (of Jupiter) is said to be unforgiving and the effects is lasting ... can last for a few years.
Warmest Regards,
Cecil Lee
On 10/15/99 11:20:17 PM, Anonymous wrote:
>Dear cecil,
>Is it Ok to hang Christmas
>lights near the front door(it
>located in east) or it will
>disturb the grand duke.
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