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Dear Anon,
It is good that you bring up this question.
1. You see, the Five elements also has an equivalent relation with numbers.
For example:-
5 = Strong Earth
6 = Big Metal
7 = Small Metal
1 = Water
4 = Small Wood
3 = Big Wood
Here one has to understand that take for example, small wood refers to a small plant while big wood is = a tree.
2. Traditional Feng Shui practioners use either of the following as a cure or enhancer:
a. Water positions
b. Plants
c. Lighting
Some feng shui practioners recommend five rounded bulbs to `light' up a location. As they believe light creates beneficial Qi. Natural lighting is still the best.
The reason why they use five rounded bulbs is to represent all the five elements.
The above is one way of looking at why they use the five rounded bulbs. To these practioners, light is good for beneficial Qi and they did not really consider the implication of Number 5 as equivalent to the Misfortune Star 5 but rather, these number of light brings beneficial Qi. Furthermore, these practioners are usually Shapes and Form practioners and less concerned with Flying Star numbers.
In Singapore, there are quite alot of practioners who only practise the Eight House Theory! Some are not well versed with Flying Star.
For `serious' practioners of Flying Star would not want to use 5 coins. To them (you can say that they are "obsessed" *joke* with numbers).
Remember that to the Flying Star practioners, they only eat, talk and sleep on numbers and numbers are very important to them.
Although I exaggerated abit about these practioners being `obsessed' with numbers, you can see that to them number 5 represents the EARTH element.
These Flying Star practioners are already `horrified' with Number 5 and seeing a cure with 5 coins would really tear away their `hear'. You can say that they already do not want to have anything to do with 5.
So to them 5 coins is worse off as a cure because, 5 represents Earth element and one is introducing more Earth (5 coins) to the situation.
I hope you can look at it as a light hearted moment, and understand what I mean:)
Warmest Regards,
On 11/1/99 1:59:43 PM, Anonymous wrote:
>Dear cecil,
>5 light bulbs are used to
>neutralize the sha why cant
>one use 5 coins instead since
>metal is used for neutralizing
>most sha. Thanks.
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