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Dear Anon,
This is a good question.
Actually, what I am referring is Sha Qi due to poison arrows ie. poison arrows aimed at the main entrance for example.
Or when your main entrance door directly face the a backdoor or windows.
One has therefore to be careful that this concept of `what you can't see is no longer a threat'.
The above is meant for visual objects and not meant to be applied to underground courses etc... It is totally different.
It is good that you pointed out this and it is hoped that the above clearly explains the distinction.
Another further distinction is because undergound water is considered `vapours' or the emission of vapours. It has been proven in independent studies by the Germans.
We therefore cannot mix the two (poision arrows with the above). Not all FS principles can be applied at ground level or underground.
Warmest Regards,
On 11/3/99 1:25:57 PM, Anonymous wrote:
>Dear cecil,
>You mentioned that in feng
>shui if one can't see the
>source of sha then it is not
>considered a sha then why the
>under ground water and the
>earth vault lines are
>considered bad since we cant
>see them. Thanks.
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