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Dear Chetan,
I believe, if you are referring to the use of the Chinese Astrology, for example, ( reference : ), like the Zodica signs e.g. Gemini, Cancer etc... are considered explanations as to the different characteristics of each individual.
Under astrology, it can tell you the characteristic differences but this where it ends.
If we are referring to the Eight House Theory, where one is a West or East facing house person, one can still make relations work.
What is more important if one is using say astrology or believe in it, try to `learn' or understand the differences of the two `animal' signs better.
For those who do not really want to rely on the above, should work their differences or work more on your communications with each other.
If you truly love each other, try your best to make your relationship work.
This is because, I cannot give you direct advise based on Feng Shui tools as these tools are used for a different purpose i.e. to locate sha qi or enhance qi.
The above are considered the proper `Terms of Reference' or mission and objectives of Feng Shui.
Hope that you solve your relationship problems:)
Warmest Regards,
On 11/3/99 12:19:29 PM, Chetan Mehta wrote:
>Dear Cecil,
>I am born in 1958 and my wife
>in 1962. This makes most
>positions totally opposite for
>both of us.
>Recently, we are not getting
>along, ie. my wife is not
>happy. Could you suggest some
>things which I can do to make
>her happy again ?
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