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Dear Anon,
It is very difficult for me to comment as I really need to see a drawing of it. As an indent can be a large area or narrow etc...
This is only to determine whether there is indeed an indent.
As for cures, these are limited. For indents there are frankly no `miracle' cures for such `flaws'.
Cures differ also if it is a landed property or a flat.
For example if it is a landed property, one can do some landscaping to create a profile of the missing corner. Or place a light to brighten up the place.
For a flat or apartment, cures are limited to e.g. placing mirrors to `extend' the missing corner.
If you can, try to give me a sketch the layout and upload to the forum as I need to see the full layout plan in order to make further comments.
Furthermore, placing mirrors also depend on other schools of Feng Shui such as the flying star. If it is an inauspicious sector, placing mirrors may bounce back double the luck.
Warmest Regards,
On 11/5/99 12:31:55 AM, Anonymous wrote:
>Dear cecil,
>Thank you for referring me to
>the building pages. I think
>this makes it very easy for
>the user to pin point what
>they are asking.
>My house is exactly like the
>diagram in the indent with the
>indent in the SW , NW, SE, and
>NE and the SW and NE have good
>flying stars but the SE has
>double 2 and the NW has a 4 9
> 4
>Please advise in this scenario
>which indent should be cured.
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