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Dear David,
If I am not mistaken, most likely there could be a #2 (sickness star) affecting you e.g. in the bedroom. (Flying Star Theory).
On the other hand, you can try to do an Eight House Chart to find out if the death or disaster intangible force is in the bedroom or main entrance door.
If there is an imbalance under the Flying Star Theory, this can be neutralised.
Warmest Regards,
On 11/22/99 2:20:50 PM, David Colozzi wrote:
>I have noticed That since I
>have moved Into
>My new Apartment, my health
>has been
>deteriorating... I did some
>research on Feng
>shui and realized by studying
>the Ba-Gua that
>my health & family section is
>in the bathroom
>and it probably continues in
>my bedroom
>closet which is right behind
>the bathroom
>walls. What can I do to
>improve the
>Bathroom's feng shui.
>In Addition, the eight house
>chart indicates
>that the ideal house
>positioning for me would
>be a north entrance. My
>apartment is just the
>opposite with, for example,
>the bedroom being
>in the North East Corner. Any
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