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Dear Jennifer,
I usually do the following:
1. Get a overhead projector transparency (1 piece).
2. Draw the 8 compass directions on the transparency.
3. Use different coloured permanent ink and write down each family member' auspicious and inauspicious direction wordings on each of the directions.
For example at North you can see:-
Death (Father)
Longeivity (Mother)
Health (Daughter)
Irritation (Son)
Write each family member's intangible force at each compass sector.
4. Get a layout plan of your home.
5. Draw the centrepoint and mark the North to South compass alignment.
6. Superimpose the transparency onto the layout plan and you will get a `big' picture for everyone. Relate it to their rooms etc..
Warmest Regards,
On 11/28/99 11:15:06 AM, Jennifer Henry wrote:
>My daughter and I are
>North-East House, my husband
>and daughter are West House,
>my twin sons are South-West
>House. We have a house with a
>northeast facing front door
>and I am trying to do an
>amateur evaluation of our
>house's layout for auspicious
>directions for my
>family......any advice?
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