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Dear Anon,
1. A mountain star can only be activated if that location has a mountain star.
It is not like when there is a wall, one can `simply' activate a mountain star. It has to be located.
The rationale why no specific object for a mountain star has been quoted other than it should have mass and cannot move implies that one can reasonably find a suitable object for it. In this sense, no one can make commercialization out of it.
Imagine, if you were asked to purchase only a specific object. It would certainly make Feng Shui `emporiums' or stores happy. Ultimately, the claim could be that it can be placed on any wall. We do not want this to happen rite?
2. A large boulder does not make much sense in a house especially if it does not have a specific use.
If one's house is pretty large, this is acceptable. Where possible it should be as tall as waist high. Because too low a `mountain' defeats the use of it.
3. If one has two floors or levels in a house, it should preferably be activated at the first level (or ground floor).
What happens if the house has three levels? Do we activate the mountain star at all levels?
One should only activate it at the ground level.
Have anyone seen a mountain stacked ontop of another mountain?
4. If there is really no mountain star, one should not simply place a boulder at any wall.
5. A window?
No, a window is not a `solid' wall, so if we reason it properly, a mountain star cannot be activated here.
6. How about the main door?
No, a main door area should be activated by a water star e.g. flat , clear space.
If a mountain star is at this location, one cannot simply activate clear space at the front of the house and "suddenly" activating a mountain star. For example placing a rock above the main entrance door.
What happens if the rock falls off and hurt someone? Secondly, as a mountain star is symbolic of a `solid' wall, since this is the entrance, is it logical to place a mountain star here.
Warmest Regards,
On 12/21/99 1:04:09 AM, Anonymous wrote:
>Dear Cecil
>I have read many queries on
>your site regarding how to
>activate a mountain star. I
>have a two floored property.
>You mentioned that we should
>think of the wall as a
>mountain. Is it possible to
>activate the mountain star by
>placing a large boulder on
>piece of rock on the floor or
>window ledge at the relevant
>compass point on either the
>first or second floor?
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