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Dear Fraser,
Thanks for sharing with us your unique abilities.
1. It would be interesting to find out what is the full component of your Pillars of Destiny i.e. how many Yins and how many Yangs do you have.
To see if there is a correlation i.e. whether for example you are more Yin or more Yang. One unique feature of Pillars that if one has more of the other, in total, too Yang may also change to Yin.
2. So far, I have yet seen anyone determine such a mix i.e. heaven to earth luck.
I believe in order to find out, or even see if there is a correlation, a critical mass of at least 100,000 thousand to a million people need to be examined. The more, the better.
Certain theories or majority of the Feng Shui theories e.g. Flying star is trying to look for imbalances or neutralising such imbalances. While others more proactive ones include placement of mountain and activating water star.
Well good luck. Perhaps, it is never too late even in our life time to gather these facts first.
One option is to ask users to fill in a survey. Hopefully honest answers. However, the questions has to be drafted properly (if possible). Get as many people to fill in.
Warmest Regards,
On 1/7/00 10:34:36 AM, Fraser Caldwell wrote:
>Hi Cecil,
>The purpose for determining
>the percentage is as follows:
>I was raised to be as
>pro-active as possible - all
>that american motivational
>literature et c. However, all
>through my life I've had
>dreams which predict the
>future, image for image, sound
>for sound, feeling for
>feeling, and usually four to
>eight months later they
>happen. I know this occurs,
>because I often wake up next
>morning, remember the dream
>because it was quite bizarre -
>then eight months later that
>EXACT situation happens.
>I've had ~250 of these dreams
>in my life.
>(Unfortunately no lottery
>gaming numbers!)
>The reason why I'm asking is,
>according to palmistry and
>some quite accurate Zi Wei Do
>Shu software that I have, I'm
>going to have a fairly rough
>ten years ahead. I'm happy to
>give it my utmost and use Feng
>Shui and be as pro-active as I
>can to ameliorate this
>situation, but this will take
>a lot out of me, and I see no
>point doing so if the benefits
>are going to be negligible. If
>Feng Shui and being pro-active
>aren't going to do much, I'd
>be better to relax, take it
>easy and conserve my energy to
>deal with the situations (As
>you can guess, I'm a yin
>Thanks for your quick response
>to my previous mail.
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