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Topic: Money Plant Woes
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 3930
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 1/7/2000 03:08 PM

Dear Elena,

1. Yes, you are quite right. Money plants comes in small, medium or large plants.

Small plants merely have roots and can grow in a small bowl filled with water. Smooth rocks are placed to hold the plants.

Here, the money plant does not look like it has vines.

2. It is more a western concern, I believe that plants do not have vines rather than Chinese belief.

I believe there is no issue. Perhaps, you can let us know who mentioned the statement or perhaps, the author or the book.

Warmest Regards,

On 1/7/00 11:48:12 AM, Elena Wagner wrote:
>Thank you for the picture of
>the money plant, however, I am
>confused. It looks like it is
>a vine-like plant? I thought
>that all vine plants signify
>legal problems and not
>suitable for inside the house
>or out. Also, my friend has
>what she claims is THE
>moneyplant in her front yard.
>It is tall and has longer
>May I post a picture
>of it - maybe you can tell me
>what it is.

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