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Dear Angie,
1. I understand it can be quite confusing on `Feng Shui'.
2. Frankly, it is best not to use the Eight Associations or Eight Aspirations `Feng Shui' nor fixed template Feng Shui.
3. If you set aside the above, and start `fresh' as what you have done, you can use traditional Feng Shui for your benefit.
4. Unfortunately, each Feng Shui theory has its strength and weakness.
When you are using the Eight House theory, it is more to find out :
a. How suitable for you to your house.
b. In the bedroom, are you sleeping in a good direction.
c. Priority should be given to (b). and only after, you can see if you are sleeping with your head facing a good sector. This is less important than b.
It is used also to see if one can work facing a good direction.
5. One should understand that other than the above points, I cannot blame you if you are `confused' or not sure what to do.
The Eight house theory is not linked to the Five elements concept unlike the Flying Star Theory.
6. Many people, would not go further than the Eight House, so this is where, no one can tell any better than relying on six sense.
7. More advanced approach is to use the Flying Star analysis as it will be able to check out any imbalances and cures can be used based on the five elements.
As the Eight house cannot help to locate imbalances, one cannot go further into advising whether to put back a mirror.
One also has to question the motive of placing the mirror. If it is because of `Feng Shui' motive, then, I suggest, not to place it.
More commonly, many practitioners who do not know Traditional Feng Shui would continue to like what you are doing, `playing a guessing' game.
Frankly, the best best thing in such a situation is not knowing Feng Shui at all as more harm than good comes out of such actions.
Warmest Regards,
On 1/7/00 7:24:39 PM, Angie Peffley wrote:
>I just found out I'm a West
>House person, or Tui. My
>bathroom is located in the
>southeast (irritation)corner
>of my apartment which is an
>excellent site for a toilet!
>Now I'm confused- should I put
>the full-length mirror back on
>the closet door facing the
>toilet??? Please respond!
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