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Dear Anon,
Please see below:-
>Dear Cecil,
>Thanks so much for your
>replies. It makes me feel much
>better, specially because I
>felt a bit silly about the
>whole thing. As regards your
>queries, I am posting a few
>details here:
>* A little about this house:
>It consists of two flats side
>by side on the first floor.
>Each has a hall, kitchen and a
>bedroom. The flat numbers are
>101 and 102. The main entrance
>is the door of flat 102, which
>is NE facing. A numerologist
>we know advised us to keep the
>NE direction because as per
>Hindu astrology, it is
>auspicious. He also said the
>number ‘102’which adds up to a
>3 is not good and so asked us
>to write it as ‘102B’ for a
>more favourable number 5.
>(Actually the original nos.
>were 103 and 104. Would it
>have been o.k. to buy a no.4
>house? We had our reservations
>about it at that time. Then
>the builder changed his design
>and the numbers also changed)
Although house numbers `play a part' but it is of secondary concern in this case.
I believe you have read this short article on the Devil's gate.
I believe there might be a concentration of Yin elements in the house with the NE facing door.
Many a times, Feng Shui consultants have advised their clients to tilt the door to an angle facing a good direction of the breadwinner. But this has to be done properly. However, in your case, do not do anything as yet.
>* In the wall dividing the two
>flats, in the hall, we have
>made a small door. Along this
>wall, as per the 8 house
>theory, I have the death line.
>Do I need to put up a picture
>of any God on the wall to
>neutralise its effect?
The current knowledge on the Eight House is:
1. To determine how suitable the house to the owner.
2. Where possible avoid sleeping close to the death/disaster line.
Other than this, you need not do anything to neutralise the sector. Other than to keep the house more Yang. (Bright).
>* In between the two kitchens,
>we have taken out the dividing
>wall to allow free passage
>between the two flats. The
>toilet and bathroom in both
>flats face the open kitchen
>We keep the toilet and
>bathroom doors always shut as
>far as possible. We have
>extended the kitchen platform
>in flat 101 so that the gas
>stove faces SE. The fridge,
>filter and drinking water
>vessels are next to each
>other, on the N-NE wall of the
>other kitchen.
>* We have a lot of plants at
>home, but only in the halls
>and their window sills. None
>in the bedrooms. Is keeping a
>plant or two outside the main
>door for aesthetics okay?
Since you have uncomfortable feelings at home. It is best not to keep any plants inside the house.
I am not sure how large the plants are but it is the belief that larger plants may unwittingly harbour spirits.
Too many plants may make a location too yin especially larger ones as it affects the lighting in the area.
>* Outside my bedroom (which is
>facing SE-S), there is a huge
>open ground. Just to have some
>greenery, I went and planted
>about 11 trees in a row from
>one end of the building to the
>other end. The trees are 15ft.
>away from the building. It’s
>been a year and a half now and
>the trees are growing well.
>The ones in front of my
>window, a karanj and a neem,
>are about 6ft high.
Before you planted these 11 trees, outside your bedroom, can you sleep properly then?
We should look at the trees even if they are planted at SE / South because, they may inadvertenly make that sector more yin.
Trees provide shade and by doing so, make that sector dark.
Is there any water positions inside or outside the house. Too much water would also result in Yin `conditions.'
>* We have two wardrobe
>mirrors, but I keep them
>covered at bedtime. The hand
>mirror is always kept face
This sounds ok.
>I love collecting shells
>and have a boxful of them atop
>one cupboard. There are other
>shell decorated holders and
>paperweights too. Anything to
>this, ‘cause I was told once
>that such stuff should not be
>kept in the house.
I believe this is ok.
>* My birth date is 3.6.1962
>and time and day is 7.15 am,
>Sunday. My sister is elder to
>* Noticed an odd thing - I get
>these funny feelings more
>strongly in the central area
>of the house - where the 2
>kitchens, the toilets and
>bathrooms are, and even with a
>night light on. No matter how
>much I try to be in control,
>many times I restrict my
>movements in this area at
>night. But when I was sitting
>in the front room watching TV
>with my back to this area, I
>did not feel a thing.
>But, when sleeping, I can see
>a part of this area from my
>bed, and I tend to get tense,
>keep awake and staring as if
>lot of invisible things are
>moving out there.
>Then is it all just a trick of
>the mind?
For the moment, it is best if you can remove all plants inside the house. Other than those at the planter box.
Do you have any water positions or fish tank in the house?
Warmest Regards,
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