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Topic: Winning Fortune
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 42
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 1/9/1999 02:41 PM

On 1/8/99 10:23:22 AM, David Kwan wrote:
>Hi ... thanks for your reply.
>Maybe I should study FS
>thoroughly and then make some
>research in this field. I
>heard many FS Master in my
>country are working on this
>but I am not sure whether they
>get it right or not as we
>can't rely totally on

Regarding this you can use another theory called zi wei dou shu (Star Chart), some kind of Chinese Astrology. You will be able to generate a zi wei dou shu which you can use to predict luck (for gambling or whatsoever.)

>The FS Master calculate when
>is the best time to enter the
>casino, using which door or
>direction that will strengthen
>their fortune .. etc.

Yes, you can read up from books, but just remember that as far as possible look for those written by personal who had say training in Hong Kong and Taiwan. These book written by them will contain more accurate theories with regards to Feng Shui.

Western books so far most of them, except those converted from these Hong Kong or Taiwan masters, have only general information.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

>Cecil, do you think that I can
>learn up FS just by reading
>books as I can't afford to
>attend any courses conducted
>by the FS Master at the
>On 1/7/99 8:27:28 AM, Cecil Lee wrote:
>>Dear David,
>>Thanks for this interesting
>>view. So far this is not
>>mentioned in any of the
>>`ancient/traditional' Feng
>>Shui books/practises but you
>>may never know, and it may
>>work as besides the dragon
>>(the most Yang of all
>>creatures, the tiger is
>>considered the opposite, the
>>most Yin of all Feng Shui
>>creatures... and is on the
>>`dark side' or .. viz a viz
>>gambling? Well, anyone tries
>>this and work, do let us
>>On 1/6/99 4:55:28 PM, David Kwan wrote:
>>>Hi Feng Shui Experts,
>>>Recently I saw a movie about
>>>Feng Shui, it says that we can
>>>strengthen our winning luck if
>>>we put a glass of water in our
>>>Is it true ? Hmm .. is there
>>>anyway to strengthen our
>>>winning luck ? For example the
>>>place where we sit when we are
>>>in casino or maybe turf club
>>>(horse racing) ?
>>>Will that help us ? Thanks in

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