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Topic: Re: free advice (Via Email)
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 457
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 3/8/1999 10:32 AM

Dear Karen,

It would be good if you can relook at a step-by-step guide on house to
perform a Eight House analysis at this URL:

I know everyone wants a `quick fix' solution and only think of e.g. the
career sector. But to be frank, this is considered " Fast Food Feng Shui ".

As I mentioned in a few messages in this forum that the Eight Associations
or Eight Aspirations or Life Aspirations is only a general guide ... not to
be taken seriously .. until every other Feng Shui theory has been taken care
off especially the Flying Star Chart.

Even under the Eight Associations, the time factor should be taken care of.
For those who want to find out more, Robert will at a later date create a
more accurate software program to find out your `moving' Eight Aspirations
rather than depend on the current static model. Again, the Eight
Associations is again secondary Feng Shui.

Anyone interested merely to zoom in to get `immediate' results from your so
called " career or wealth corners " I believe will either be `very lucky' to
find it or be truly disappointed with " Feng Shui".

Traditional Feng Shui does not depend only on this `hope' but rather a more
`holistic' approach to Feng Shui where all the various theories are used to
the fullest.

Warmest Regards
Cecil Lee

-----Original Message-----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed>
Date: Monday, March 08, 1999 2:02 AM
Subject: Re: free advice

>From: "Karen Clark"
>This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
>I looked at the Ba Kua, and I'm still confused where my living room is,
what area. As I enter my front door, my door is on the right side. On my
left, is my living room. Small living room though. I'm confused if my
living room is in the career area or the knowlege area. Can anybody tell
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