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Dear Anon,
1. Ideally, good houses have main doors that are `protected' from Sha Qi or poison arrows.
2. It is acceptable to have the main door on the side of the house.
In fact this layout is quite common and should not raise too much concern.
3. Here in Singapore, there are many houses especially public housing (apartments) that have doors that are on the `side'. The advantage here is that there are few poison arrows (other than some apartments) with doors facing each other.
4. Most of these houses are `rectangular' in shape and thus of a good `shape'.
5. More importantly, the frontage of the house is equally important.
What one needs to do here is:
- since there are no poison arrows aimed at the main door,
- concentrate on Qi coming from the frontage. Is there sufficient natural light coming into the house?
6. The rationale for the above is that if one can understand that not all of us leave our main door open yet, some of us are better than others (even without leaving the main door open).
So where does Qi come in? It has to come in from the windows or vents above the windows (if any).
7. Here one must remember that the windows also need `protection'.
For example, if one stands at the window facing out, if there is a poison arrow aimed at the window, one should implement a cure. E.g. use blinds.
8. In the past or infact at the present, it is common for Hong Kong practitioners to advice e.g. placing a fish tank at the window e.g. if there is a single lamp post.
9. The other concept is if one cannot see it, it no longer becomes a `threat'. Here, if a simple curtain can be used without affecting the lighting, then it is an effective tool to counter a poison arrow.
10. Alternatively, use a blind.
11. Currently, you are using intutive Feng Shui and placing mirrors at a specific location.
12. It is not wrong to do this. The other consideration is the use of Flying Star Theory to analyse if the location is `balanced' or imbalanced or auspicious or inauspicious.
13. If it is inaupicious, some Feng Shui practitioners advise not to place a mirror as it will bounce back `twice' the problem.
To many Feng Shui practititoners, the Flying Star is a more professional method of checking a particular sector. Other than using intutive Feng Shui.
14. On another (subject). One user recently mentioned that he was advised to bury `lucky' treasures on the corners of the house.
Although this is practised by some Feng Shui schools, I personally found that this is not `effective'.
Thus have in a few instances in the past mentioned that there was this practice but do not advise anyone to do so.
15. It does not matter what is buried on the ground. It would indeed be a waste if a gold bar was buried at the spot. One is that money is `wasted' as one could have earned some interest in the bank or elsewhere.
16. The ideal here is to share with everyone things that would likely work or success is high as compared to spending money where there may be minimal or no returns.
As mentioned many times, one need not need to spent money on Feng Shui.
Warmest Regards,
On 2/9/00 12:18:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
>Please help!
>My house is facing South, the
>entrance door when entering
>the house
>is located at the far left
>side of the house,
>which opens up to a wall,and
>it is about
>5 or 6 feet from the door.
>In order to make it more
>roomier and bright,
>my husband installed four big
>mirror panels to cover the
>The stair case going up,is at
>the center of the house and it
>is located on the right side
>when entering the house.
>I am concerned that we are not
>enough good flow on the main
>Please advise how to enhance
>Thank you so much!
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