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Dear Anon,
Thanks for bring up this interesting question.
1. For a better picture, please refer to:
Please look thru, the TEN HEAVENLY STEMS, where:
Fire element can be : Lightning vs Burning incense or Sun vs kitchen
Wood element : Timer vs Hewn timber or a small plant
For each element there is a `BIG' and `SMALL'
2. One should remember not to over `kill' or under `kill' in Feng Shui.
The thing to remember is that each element has a `BIG' and a `SMALL'.
For example, 6 coins refers to BIG METAL. It is quite acceptable to use BIG METAL to neutarlise a beam.
But if it is e.g. the edge of the corner, do we need such a `BIG' metal as the 6 coins.
3. Therefore, some cures e.g. especially if a specific number of coins as in metal is used, should not be used universally as there can be a different meaning.
While some others may not.
True or False: Does Two bamboo flutes represent BIG WOOD?
Learning is about activating our minds. Any guess? or you already know the answer:)
On 3/1/00 3:37:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
>Hi Cecil,
>From postings here, I gather
>that 6 coins can cure
>wooden-beam sha qi because the
>coins are metal element.
>If we have poison arrows
>resulting from corners of
>wooden furniture such as
>tables, cabinets or cupboards,
>can we hang a string of 6
>coins at these corners to cure
>the sha qi?
>Also for concrete beams, I
>suppose bamboo flutes are used
>because it bamboo is wood and
>it destroys earth? If this is
>true, can we just use other
>objects made of wood to
>counter the concrete beam?
>Thank you
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