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Dear Kewpie,
1. It is very difficult to comment on the `generic' term, a townhouse.
This is because, it also depends on the location it is sited, the plot of land holding the row of houses.
The elevation, the front, the back areas in relation to Shapes and Form.
2. Personally, I have also purchased a townhouse unit, two years back and now it is nearly ready for occupation.
What I did, to take advanage is, to looking at the Flying Star, using the Good House program which Robert specifically developed, mainly for our own use, to locate the best house amongst one of the town house.
3. We had an advantage because speed was essential in such a situation. We used our program to search for a good house.
The report narrowed our search to several units. Here, we found a Double 7 house and it is the second unit next to the one at one end of (from the row).
We thus use over combined theory of Shapes and Form, Flying Star and Eight house to gain us a competitive advantage.
4. As I mentioned earlier, it is always best to get a correct house (if possible) first round. This would give one a quantum leap and aid us in our `Earth Luck'.
In fact, once this is done, I do not even normally need to do a Feng Shui audit for myself. And, the luck will usually hold true.
Furthermore, I avoided getting a house with missing corners.
5. If it is a row of townhouse, again I must emphaise:
5.1. Check the location of the toilet. Since it is a new house, why let it cause problems.
5.2 For a townhouse, do check that Qi does not flow a straight path as usually, this is one of the major considerations since windows cannot be located on either all four sides of the house or three sides.
Being human, if I do see an excellent unit, I will not hesitate to purchase it especially to stay or rent out.
Warmest Regards,
On 4/14/00 11:56:00 AM, Kewpie L wrote:
>Can you comment on
>townhouses(row houses) ?
>Would they be lacking
>directions because they are
>attached together. A friend
>of mine is planning on buying
>one of those but it is the
>house on the end. I think
>those are better than the ones
>inside. Thanks.
>On 4/12/00 10:25:00 PM, Cecil Lee wrote:
>>Dear Kewpie,
>>For an `overall' good house:-
>>1. Environmental Scanning i.e.
>>the landscape;particulary -
>>the site and the home is very
>>More than half the battle is
>>`won' if a house has excellent
>>Shapes and Form.
>>2. Having excellent Shapes and
>>form could also be
>>supplemented by `protecting'
>>areas of vunerability:
>>2.1 The main door.
>>This is considered the mouth
>>of the house. One should
>>protect it `at all costs'. If
>>a poison arrow is aimed at the
>>main entrance door, do not sit
>>around for it to be left
>>unprotected. Try to `protect'
>>There are several examples of
>>`how-to' that can be found on
>>this site.
>>2.2 The windows.
>>It is equally important for
>>the windows to be protected
>>from poison arrows especially,
>>single lamp posts or again a
>>sharp corner of a neighbours
>>home etc...
>>3. Where possible, the house
>>should have good frontage
>>(like the bird flying freely
>>in front). And the back, with
>>a solid protection e.g. a hill
>>or man made wall.
>>4. The house should preferably
>>do not have missing corners.
>>5. Internal of the house, do
>>take note of Qi not flowing
>>directly from the main door
>>out to the back in a straight
>>Internally, where possible one
>>side of the toilet wall should
>>occupy an external wall. Here,
>>there is no chance for it to
>>be located at the centre of
>>the house.
>>Avoid having the toilet above
>>the main door or at the side
>>of the house.
>>The numberous examples on
>>Shapes and Form can go on and
>>6. Generally, as a guide, even
>>if the house has EXCELLENT
>>Feng Shui, one should look at
>>the Eight House Theory to see
>>how suitable this `EXCELLENT'
>>house is for each of us.
>>An `EXCELLENT' house can be
>>great or suitable for some
>>persons but may not be
>>suitable for others.
>>For example, if the death or
>>disaster intangible force is
>>at the main entrance and the
>>bedroom is equally in a bad
>>sector, even if it is an
>>EXCELLENT house, it does not
>>necessary mean it will be
>>great for this occupant.
>>However, it is better this way
>>than to have a `bad' house
>>plus incompatible house.
>>7. Next, use the Flying Star
>>to check for imbalances at
>>various sectors of the house
>>and if necessary neutralise
>>If water or mountain star is
>>found, one can also activate
>>it to enhance the house.
>>8. Pillars of Destiny, e.g.
>>element strength is used to
>>fine tune the analysis and to
>>determine if water positions
>>can be used.
>>For example, it is not
>>advisable for a weak fire or
>>strong fire person to have
>>water positions in the house.
>>Please see below:-
>>On 4/12/00 7:04:00 PM, Kewpie L wrote:
>>>I have a question about the
>>>auspicious direction for the
>>>house. Which is to be
>>>considered more important or
>>>focused on? To have your
>>>house facing one of your four
>>>auspicious directions or to
>>>have the entrance door facing
>>>the auspicious direction or
>>>both. Eg. my house is facing
>>>W and our entrance door is on
>>>the side facing S where S is
>>>one of the auspicious
>>>direction for the breadwinner.
>>>I need you to clarify that.
>>It would be more important to have the
>>main entrance face an auspicious
>>direction for the breadwinner.
>>If the breadwinner and the spouse earn
>>the same level of pay, we still usually
>>consider the breadwinner (first).
>>However, it would indeed be a plus point
>>to have the spouse have the main
>>entrance face an auspicious direction.
>>(It would be `nice to have').
>> >Also, would you consider my
>>>house a fire element? It is
>>>just about all red(barn yard
>>>red) angled roof with entrance
>>>facing S. I've read somewhere
>>>that this can contribute to
>>>quarrels and discord in the
>>>house. Is this true? Thanks.
>>Yes, Red is the most Yang of all the
>>Yang colours.
>>In general, if we talk about this type
>>of barn with the door facing South, we
>>can classify it as a Fire element house.
>>However, if the elements in the house
>>are properly balanced, quarrels can be
>>neutralised. Flying Star theory would be
>>useful here to locate imbalances and
>>neutralise the sectors.
>>Particular attention, thus should be
>>spent analysing the South sector. But,
>>this should not be too much a worry.
>>Warmest Regards,
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