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Dear Susan,
Please see below:-
On 4/15/00 9:05:00 AM, Susan R wrote:
>I am a bit confused about the
>front door. I live in a flat
>that has 4 apartments. My
>first door is entered from the
>north. Then I go up the
>stairs and my apartment is on
>the left side. Therefore I
>have 2 doors - which one
>should I concentrate on for
>health. By the way there is
>someone living on the right
>hand side.
If you have a layout plan it would be much easier to give you proper advise.
There is a conference for attachments for this.
I understand, you have applied for help under our token, audit for `hardship' case.
Robert will give you the necessary credit for this.
For those, who have problems, is advisable to use more professional tools as it usually will help to analyse the situation in a more `scientific' way.
>So when I open the door I see
>my neighbour door first. Then
>I go downstairs to get out of
>the principal door.
>I do not know how to feng shui
>this situation. My direction
>is east; I am earth and my
>address is 2150.
A layout plan would help us locate the main door.
If you have previously, consulted any practitioners and had been given advise on purchasing `stuffs' to hang, it is adviseable to remove them totally.
From many past cases, it is best to go back to `zero' base, or to the previous state, first.
>Would appreciate any
>assistance possibly because my
>health is not that good.
>Thanking you in advance.
You still have to do some homework such as `input' for us to analyse.
Take care!
Warmest Regards,
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