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Dear Anon,
1. It is quite understandable with so much information on Feng Shui. Not only the amount of information but how to piece all the puzzle.
2. When one applies Feng Shui, one should apply it as a Holistic approach encompassing all the good `techniques' from the various schools.
3. You mentioned the Eight House and the Flying Star. One more important consideration is also the Shapes and Form School of Feng Shui.
4. Usually, most of us, do not have much problems at home or office. But if we do, we should rather `identify' the problem and neutralise it.
For some of us, we do not have problems but rather would like to enhance our home: For health, happiness and prosperity.
5. When we buy a home, we want to feel safe in it.
Thus the first general `rule' of Feng Shui is to `protect' your house especially the main door and windows. Those areas that are or may be `open' threats.
Here, greater emphasis should be placed on using the Shapes and Form School of Feng Shui.
Look out for poison arrows aimed at the main entrance door such as the edge of another building.
6. Here, the fundamental thing to note it that even if one enhances a home but if there are `problems' that need fixing, one should do the sensible thing to `fix' it.
7. The Eight House Theory
(personalised to self and static form of FS)
Is very popular and generally used to find out how suitable are you to your home.
8. In addition, under this theory locations where you spent most of your time at where possible should be your good sectors.
9. Other than this, you can face a good direction after point 8. has been considered.
10. If one follows the Eight House Theory closely, it is best where you spent most time here.
11. The Flying Star Theory.
It can be a house audit i.e. 20 Year Flying Star Audit, or Yearly Flying Star or Monthly Flying Star audit.
One major purpose of the Flying Star is to check for imbalances. Here, if there is an imbalance, try to cure it.
If SW is not a good side, under Flying Star, if you know the type of imbalance caused e.g. use Metal to destroy wood. For example, if there is a `bad' wood element at this sector, you then use Metal to destroy it. This is just an example and not meant that SW has `bad' wood. You may have to check this out further.
In such a situation, perhaps metal is needed and therefore, a metal wind chime is acceptable here. Other metal e.g. 6 coins or a pendulum clock are alteratives to this.
Please see below:
On 6/7/00 2:31:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
>Dear Cecil,
>Hi!I find your web site full
>of informations.I very much
>enjoy going through it.
>I am a little confused as I
>don't have much knowledge on
>Feng Shui, according to eight
>house theory person born(male)
>in April 1968 the best house
>is S.W.(i:e the door facing, I
>guess.)I was reading in one of
>the books where I came across
>the flying star theory where
>S.W is not a good side.Is
>there any connection between
>these two theories?
>I was thinking of putting the
>metal wood chimes with some
>wood on the N.W. is that o.ok?
Please see above.
>One more thing, why is it that
>we can't buy your books in the
>book shops. Could you advise
>which is a simple one to
>understand with every thing in
>it, or the one that I could
>easily follow. I am very much
>interested in Feng Shui.
For Shapes and Form, you can get Lilian Too's books as it has illustrations or graphics.
However, I do not recommend all her books (especially the new ones) because, in my opinion, some of these books ask you to do this or that without proper reference to specific situations, which may cause more harm than good. For example, suggestions like "place 3 coins here or there."
For other titles, it is best to browse around the book shop to find what you want. Go to the conference, Books on Feng Shui to look at some of the earlier messages. I believe one user wrote that the `Idiot's Guide to Feng Shui' is not bad.
The best books are those that `teach' or impart skills rather than tell you to place X at this corner, Y at the ceiling etc...
As for my books, at the moment, they are all in electronic form (acrobat reader format).
Warmest Regards,
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