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Dear Tervino,
1. It is good that you asked this interesting question.
2. As far as `cures' are concerned, it is always `safer' to use objects or items that are certain to `conform' or belong to a specific element:-
3. For example, 6 metal coins is `confirmed' to be a metal element and 6 represents `big metal'.
4. A water fountain or a water position is `confirmed' to be a water element.
5. Fire element is represented by Red, pink or purple. A triangle object is also considered as a Fire element.
6. For earth, pottery, ceramic or clay e.g. vases because of its `earth' contents are earth element objects.
7. Plants or wood based objects usually belong to the wood element.
8. I mentioned "usually" because, a decorative piece of Triangle or pyramid shaped object made of wood, can be `argued' as a Fire element object because of its shape.
9. Thus, what one can understand here is that an item can belong to either of the elements depends on:
1. It's color.
2. It's shape.
3. It's content.
10. Usually where content is concerned, as mentioned under Para 8, it can be made of wood but because of its shape or color it may represent some other elements.
11. A wooden sofa, painted red, can be argued to represent the `fire element' rather than its `content' wood - or wood element.
12. Book authors are not wrong to consider crystal as:
1. Water element
2. Earth element or
3. Metal element
depending on what one visualises the object.
13. Crystal, especially if it is wavy shape or because of its clarity and `watery' look could be `argued' as belonging to the water element.
14. On the other hand, some feel that because `glass' or silca came from the earth, it can be considered an earth element.
15. As many crystals contains `metal' e.g. lead, to make it `sparkle', it is not wrong either to consider it a `metal' element.
16. Some people, if they are "too involved" may argue endlessly about which element it belongs.
17. Rather than `waste' time over `petty' arguments, one lesson learned here is to avoid using elements that may cause ambiguity when applying `CURES'.
18. When applying cures, try to stick to conventional objects or cures with little ambiguity.
19. For `ENHANCERS', for example, if one lacks water element or that water element is beneficial to the person, then try to `stick' to the use of water positions than using `crystals = water element?'.
Warmest Regards,
On 6/20/00 10:30:00 AM, Tervino T wrote:
>I got different info from
>different book about crystal
>element. Some books say it is
>earth and it is best used to
>energize earth element.
>Other book say it is "water"
>and will used to control fire.
>I believe some even say
>crystal is "metal" element?
>How do we differentiate among
>the various crystal (such as
>the various crystal cluster
>that is available from most of
>the shops selling all kind of
>crystal cluster, balls,) etc.
>I have a collection of crystal
>but is concerned how to use
>them in Feng Shui in terms of
>the element they belong.
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