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Dear Felicia,
In my opinion, Feng Shui's specialty does not lie in resolving such problems as it more inclined towards other disiciplines like Zi Wei Dou Shu or Chinese Astrology.
Astrology helps to understand the characteristics but in the end result it depends on the individuals or parties involved.
In my sincere opinion, it would be nice to say that by placing or changing the layout, one could immediately stop the `problem'.
Feng Shui may to a certain extend, reduce or improve luck but, as I mentioned, it would be best to look somewhere else for an answer.
If not, one would end up very frustated if given false hope that, e.g. move the furniture to X location etc.. Sometimes it can help but again, one has to go to the root cause of the problem or by looking at the human side.
When we reach a certain age, our thoughts and habbits are formed and may be harder to change. It is like trying to change a leopard with white spots.
I believe other disciplines in behavioural or human interaction would help much better here than relying on FS or astrology.
Warmest Regards,
On 7/18/00 2:03:00 PM, Felicia Wein wrote:
>the case scenario is as
>mother is metal/wood
>her daughter is 21 years old
>and earth/fire
>the step father is fire/metal
>The household is a battlefield
>between the girl and the step
>father. The mother has to keep
>her own daughter away from the
>house to avoid having to split
>sides and not to let her to be
>hurt by this verbally abusive
>person. He says she is totally
>selfish, useless and a bad
>person and keeps attacking her
>verbally. When around company,
>he ignores her totally as if
>she doesn't exist. Can I get
>suggestions on how they could
>improve their relationship and
>be able to be under the same
>roof with respect for each
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