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Dear Robin,
First of all, a warm welcome to this forum.
Feel free to check back past messages which I believe, would help to understand Traditional Feng Shui.
1. The key essence of a good Feng Shui house is based on Shapes and Form School.
2. In order to achieve a quantum Leap in Feng Shui and not entangled under a vicious cycle of `poor' Feng Shui is to look at how a piece of land (it can be the entire neighbourhood) and your specific piece of land can be seen to be able to accumulate wealth.
3. Here, for example, even before one builds a home on the land, a competent FS practitioner is sought to advise on the piece of land and plot where a house can be constructed which would result in it able to retain wealth.
4. Visually, one should see or " imagine " how e.g. in the case of water, landing on the house and whether, it can accumulate wealth. Sorry, but this is hard to describe.
5. Another way of looking at it is from a micro level where the back of the house needs a solid backing. Here, if the back of the house has a slope, chances are wealth cannot be retained by flows off.
6. Some buildings are sloping and facing the sea: Is like water running off the house into say the sea.
7. On your plot of land, you need to look closely at whether " wealth " can be retained or it can easily flow off.
In such a situation, if your house can maintain a `horse shoe effect' e.g. providing that `protection' to the side and a higher protection at the back is one of the best method.
Warmest Regards,
On 8/31/00 10:48:00 PM, Robin Jones wrote:
>I am new to feng shui. I
>understand that my house,
>being directly at the end of
>the road in a cul de sac and
>high on a hill, is bad feng
>shui. If this is correct, are
>there any "cures" ?
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