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Dear Anon,
Under Shapes and Form School of Feng Shui, many FS practitioners are particular about pointed objects in the couple's bedroom.
If this bedroom belongs to a couple, it is advisable not to have a `pointed' headboard.
This is similiar to NOT having a pointed or ^ shape above the door. A ^ shape e.g. especially above the door e.g. a triangular design above the bedroom door would lead to `divorce'.
As you have not mentioned in detail the shape of the headboard - is it a triangle shaped ^ headboard?
If it is, the shape is not ideal.
For the moment, I can think of e.g. a cap to place on top of the pointed object. I know it may sound funny to some but the main object here is to mask the shape of the pointed ^.
Using the concept, if one cannot see it it no longer becomes a threat is used here.
If you have any other ideas as to how to hide it, can work equally well.
Warmest Regards,
On 11/11/00 10:09:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
>After I just bought my new
>headboard, I was told that a
>pointed headboard is bad for a
>bedroom. A headboard should
>be round. Is there a remedy
>for my pointed headboard?
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