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Dear Anon,
It is best to look at Feng Shui in a holistic approach i.e. looking at "WEALTH" from various angles such as:
1. How good is the Shapes and Form of the home i.e. external environment, the site, the building and the home.
2. Using Compass School methods such as Flying Star and Eight House.
3. By simply focusing on a corner of the house and to assume that this corner "makes "or "breaks" our achievement of WEALTH is in my opinion, too naive a concept.
In my opinion, it is more important to get more areas correct, or `score' more points or marks in all areas to make it a better home will provide more results.
Furthermore, to say that a `wealth area' is at a specific room may be too general if it is said that every house has a `wealth area' at a specific area.
Warmest Regards,
On 2/6/01 4:09:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
>I have a laundry room in the
>wealth area of my home,how can
>I keep my money from flushing
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