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Dear Chloee,
1. Generally, what this means is that the house may not be that suitable to you and your boyfriend.
Under the Eight House concept, there is really not much one can do here but to understand Para 1.
2. Other considerations are:
2.1 Hopefully, this house has excellent or good Shapes and Forms.
Usually, if a house has a quantum leap in Feng Shui such as mentioned under Para 2.1; although the house may not be that suitable to the owners, it can still bring great wealth, harmony especially if the Shapes and Forms is excellent.
2.2 The other method is to check on the birth chart of the house such as using Flying Star. Some of us, may not want to dwell deeper using this theory.
3. Overall, as Feng Shui is generally about getting `good luck'; we should maximise all our other `luck' as we can. In doing so, it may give us a significant boost even though, the house is considered not as `lucky'.
Do also check what influence (intangible force e.g. prosperity sector? etc..) is in the bedroom area.
Warmest Regards,
On 4/30/01 6:12:00 PM, Chloee Denis wrote:
>I wrote to you earlier asking about a
>south-east facing front door.
>We bought this house already but I
>noticed that the front door isn't good
>for me or my boyfriend.
>For him south-east indicates death, for
>me it indicates disaster. Please tell
>me how we can resolve this problem and
>no we can't change the location of the
>Thank you!
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