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Dear Users,
1. For those who are new to Feng Shui, Cate Bramble of ( ) is a strong advocate denouncing *BTB* or Black Hat Tantric Sect.
2. If you have the time, do visit her website where she has some interesting articles and she even expose `fake / bogus ' FS sites.
3. Please always keep an open mind about `Feng Shui' and what it can or cannot do. And also to becareful of new wave " Fast Food " Feng Shui.
Warmest Regards,
On 6/25/01 12:19:00 AM, Cecil Lee wrote:
>Dear Ann,
>You can visit: Cate Bramble's
>" Ultimate Fen g Shui site "
>to find out more about Black
>Hat Sect Feng Shui:-
>(For info, Black Hat Sect
>School was started by Lin Yun
>- who has been mentioned in
>the above article.)
>The Luo Pan is a summarised
>tool; which is helpful to the
>Compass School practitioner.
>It is used by Compass School
>practitioners to do an onsite
>audit. I use such a tool on
>onsite audits.
>I believe, if you read most of
>the messages in this forum; it
>usually relates to:-
>Yin and Yang and more
>importantly the Five Elements
>In fact, Ba Zi Feng Shui uses
>the common denominator "the
>Five elements concept".
>For Flying Star books, you can
>still buy books even by
>Lillian Too on this topic.
>If you want to buy books on
>the Luo Pan, currently most of
>the authors have written such
>books in Mandarin either
>(Taiwan or Hong Kong). Do note
>that even for the Luo Pan,
>thre are several versions of
>the Luo Pan.
>Warmest Regards
>On 6/22/01 5:31:00 PM, Ann L. wrote:
>>Hi Cecil,
>>After exploring about feng
>>shui, there were the compass
>>school and the black hat
>>school. Who started the black
>>hat school. Where do you
>>stand. I know you use the
>>compass but is the compass the
>>same like the LoPan? Where can
>>I learn more about the Ba Zi
>>and the flying star. I believe
>>in using the LoPan and
>>compass, so where or who
>>(authors) would I find books
>>about these topic..I want to
>>sign up for the course but
>>currently pocket is very
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