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Dear Anon,
Please see below:-
On 10/31/2001 11:43:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
>Dear Cecil,
>We have an iron closed shoe
>rack in the N of the house. We
>try to keep all the shoes away
>but sometimes we do leave them
>near the rack. Is this not
>good, considering this is the
>career corner?
It is common for your home and many other homes to have a shoe rack conveniently located as mentioned by you.
We have to be realistic in the way we apply Feng Shui. A shoe rack e.g. at the front of the house is `secondary' to Feng Shui. More importantly, we need to score as many marks or points as possible in other more important areas. For example, if one has good shapes and form Feng Shui, this would bring up our `luck' in other areas and things like placement of shoe rack is less important issue.
>We have an iron safety door
>outside our main door which
>faces NE. The main door opens
>inwards while the safety door
>opens outwards. It also
>consists of two panels. We
>have been told that this is
>bad and should remove the
>door. Please advise. Also,
>what is the best neutral
>colour for such a door?
>Currently, it is a brownish
>red colour.
It is good that the inner door e.g. we call this the actual door should open inwards.
As for the grille gate, there should not be an issue of it opening outwards. Anyway, technically, it is not practical to change it to open inwards as it will affect the `inner' door.
If you are staying in Singapore, a neutral colour is a white door as Singapore is considered as located `South' - fire element.
>Our building has two
>entrances, facing N-NW and W
>respectively. It's a 7 period
>bldg. What would be the best
>colours to paint it?
>As the back side of the bldg.
>faces E-SE-S, should it be
>painted another colour?
It is best to apply the Flying Star Feng Shui to access the colour of the doors. This is because each sector should be `balanced' i.e. the mountain # ; water # and base number should be looked at. If there are any imbalance, then it should be neutralised by painting the door a specific colour to either neutralise the imbalance or if this is a good sector a good colour be used to enhance it.
Warmest Regards,
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