Eight House Report Example

Geomancy.netComputerized Report
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Eight House Report
This report is generated for: Samuel Richard
  • Gender: Male
  • Conversion of Date of Birth:
    • Solar Calendar: 12 Sep 1954 between 1.00 p.m. to 2.59 p.m.
    • Lunar Calendar: 1954, 8th month, 16 day, between 1.00 p.m. to 2.59 p.m.

Please check that the above details are correct before proceeding. Otherwise, please correct it before reading the analysis.

About Eight House
      Eight House (ba yun / zhai yun) is known by several names Eight Directions, Eight Mansion, Eight Luck, etc. This report is a basic and useful way of determining your 4 good and 4 bad directions from your 
     of birth.
    This report only helps you determine what sectors suits you. It does not analyse the feng shui of that sector. Meaning that even if a sector suits you, it may not contain a good feng shui. The same goes when a sector is good, but it does not suits you, then it is not good for you.
    Thus this report is usually complemented by the Flying Star (which analyses the feng shui of a sector) to help you choose the most suitable sector.

Your Eight House Chart


(Main Door)






Note: For the print out, the lines represented by the graphic in the center table is printed out. We have already accurately divided the sectors of the pie chart for you to utilise immediately.
Eight House Detailed Explanation
DirectionLocationStatusStuitable for
North-WestIrritationBad: Petty annoyances, disease, headaches, theft and infidelity.Toilet or kitchen.
NorthExcellentVery Good: Prime Location, ideal for vitalityFront door, beds and religious altars.
North-EastSpookBad: Uneasy, theft, robbery and financial loss.Storeroom or toilet.
WestDisasterBad: Quarrels, frustration, disputes and legal problems.Storeroom or toilet.
EastHealthGood: Ideal situation for speedy recovery.Beds, doors, master bedroom and the dining table.
South-WestDeathBad: Poor health, accidents, misfortune and loss.Storeroom or toilet.
SouthLongevityGood: Ideal for health.Beds, bedrooms and dining table.
South-EastProsperityGood: The Best location. Money luck and promotion.door, room doors, kitchen door, beds, working desks.

Note: Eight House Theory provides you with your own personal direction and suitability for a general main door direction for a particular house. The Feng Shui of the house (done by the Flying Star Report) which shows the various stars at the various corners of the room of a particular house is even more important than the suitablity of your Eight House Theory.
This Report was generated on 26 Apr 2001, 23:24:24 by Home Report v1.00 beta
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