Caesarean/Caesarian Dates

Selection of Baby's Date of Caesarean/Caesarian Operation

Information Needed from you

Furnish us with:-

 Baby's gender (boy or girl)
 Parent's Name, Gender, Date & Time of Birth (Time of birth Optional)
 Baby Sibling's Name, Gender, Date & Time of Birth (Time of birth Optional)
 Your doctor's recommended dates for the caesarian operation (Two weeks range)

Who will make the recommendations?

Master Robert Lee will study and make the recommendations for the date of the caesarian operation. This involves quite alot of work as he needs to look thru at least 14 detailed Ba Zi charts to find the best chart for your child.

Time Frame

 3-5 days (if you require urgently let us know);

This is strictly an on-line service. Depending on your preference, Master Robert Lee will personally contact you after he had made a selection of the recommended dates. You will be either e-mailed or contacted with the date


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Any Questions? Call Master Robert Lee at (65) 9835-5734 for more information or to arrange an appointment. Or e-mail us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Hits: 66673
© 1996-onwards Geomancy.Net, Cecil Lee & Robert Lee